What We Do

‘‘We are committed to developing and supporting high quality programs in the community that have proven effective at positively impacting the lives of single mothers and their children.’’

We roll up our sleeves. We collect and distribute supplies, provide bursaries for educational and vocational training, invest in community programs, and provide emergency funding to women and kids in desperate situations.

We look to address the severe challenges that face single moms in need every single day. Challenges such as affordable, supportive housing; affordable and safe childcare during working hours, and educational resources to help unlock career opportunities.

“Cause We Care is committed to bridging the gap between those with needs, and those who can help meet those needs.“
  • 55% of BC children in single parent households are living in poverty

  • The child poverty rate for children in lone parent families in BC is five times higher than their counterparts in couple families

  • Over 80% of lone parent families on welfare are single mother-led

We analyze where the need is, where our funds can have the greatest impact and how we can support our mission. We look to investigate, review and try to address the severe challenges that face single moms in need every single day. Challenges such as affordable and supportive housing, affordable and safe childcare during working hours, and educational resources to help unlock career opportunities. By opening these doors, we help single mothers in the Lower Mainland to reach their full potential – and enable them to care for, educate and provide for their children.

Through popular annual and bi-annual events, strategic partnerships with generous corporations and seasonal fundraising campaigns, we are able to bring money in through a number of revenue streams.

Cause We Care Foundation partners and invests in frontline organizations and institutions that directly support single mothers and children in need. We roll up our sleeves. We collect and distribute supplies. We fill backpacks. And we provide emergency funding to women and kids in desperate situations.