Vivian’s Story

Meet Vivian, who arrived in Vancouver two years ago with her two young daughters, having fled an abusive relationship. 

After securing safe housing for her family, Vivian decided to return to school to study Practical Nursing. She is determined to build a bright future for herself and her daughters and to be a positive role model for them. Vivian says: “When I left an abusive relationship, I was able to teach my children that they can always say NO to abuse of any kind, and starting all over in my pursuit for a new career, I have also been able to teach them strength and determination to succeed irrespective of what they may go through in life and that they can always start all over again.”
Vivian applied for funding from CWC in February 2021. She was awarded a $10,000 grant and has used those funds to cover her expenses while she is a student, including childcare costs, computer and internet costs, and textbooks and supplies for school. She will complete her training in March 2022 and is feeling confident about her future: “I am certain that I will excel in this career path I have chosen because I see it bringing renewal to my life. It is a difficult journey but my determination to succeed in this makes me see the beautiful benefits for me, my family, and my community.”

To our generous donors she says: “Your support has had a great impact in my life and I’m sure that everyone who has benefitted from this program has the same appreciation. Your donations will always go a long way to changing lives for the better.”