We were introduced to some of the board members socially and asked to create a video to support an upcoming fundraising event. The event was a success and the more we learned about the work of the foundation the more we wanted to get involved. This is an organization that takes action and gets things done, the results are very clear and it’s evident that they directly reach the people that are most in need. Cause We Care is very hands-on and personally invested in every facet of the programs and initiatives they support, when you commit to this organization you can be sure your dollars will be used wisely and have the most impact.
I was a single mother for quite a long time with two young children. We fled the violence in South Africa and moved to Australia. I knew I had to protect my children above all else but when I arrived in Australia with no job and no support network I realized my savings wouldn’t go as far as I had hoped. I know first-hand what it feels like to be overwhelmed in the grocery store and to have to try to feed your family on a meager budget, you have to make some very tough decisions. I was lucky to find a job and things turned around for me – but I feel very close to the women Cause We Care helps and understand how incredibly difficult it can be for single mothers.
Its very important for any organization or individual to give back in one way or another – however they can, you can’t just take, we’ve always been taught that and it’s second nature now. We have to keep our communities healthy, strong and vital, it’s better for everyone involved.
I change my motto every year This year it's to Bring Joy. I read a story at the beginning of the year about a motorist who was at a stop light. A man was looking to cross the road - he seemed a little distracted and upset. The motorist smiled warmly at the man and waved for him to cross. That smile changed his trajectory. He was feeling suicidal at the time. But the smile was so warm and genuine, it momentarily lifted him and gave him hope. He did not go ahead with his plans. A smile saved a life. We can never know what it’s like to walk in someone else’s shoes. But we can try to add a pinch of joy to every situation. I used to want to change the entire world, but now I realize that just being able to add some warmth and joy - even for a second, is big enough.
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