The Cross was founded by my friend Darci Ilich and I in 2003. Our intention was to create a shop that was warm & inviting and endlessly inspiring. We started with 5000 square feet and had a tiny team of 4 people and have grown our business to 25 people and over 8ooo square feet in our flagship Yaletown shop. I act as CEO/Creative Director and our shop is brought to life by a team of talented sales associates, stylists and customer service experts with a bustling online shop. We have the best team!
I was introduced to Cause We Care through my friend Annabel, a director of the charity. We met when our boys were in pre-school together and bonded over the ups and downs of raising our kids while building our careers. We always had a lot to talk about! The mission of Cause we Care really speaks to me as a mum. I know first hand how challenging it can be to raise children (alongside my husband no less) and I’ve never had to worry about where their next meal or safe housing will come from. Cause We Care has an enormous reach in the community and I’ve seen the effects of their ethos “not just a hand out but a hand up” come to life. The fact that they make a significant difference in the livelihood of single mothers and their children is truly inspiring and meaningful to be a small part of.
Relationships are everything at The Cross and we believe in having a strong relationship with our community on all levels. We are an empathic business and we feel deeply about many things so giving back to our community not only feels good, it is simply the right thing to do. The greatest impact we have is during our holiday season when our clients donate to Cause We Care through our gift wrapping fund. We are always blown away by the generosity of our people. Our entire team unites to support this great cause and the results are always positive and rewarding.
I heard someone say, "You can have it all, but not all at once" and I found this quite helpful. It has taken me years to "demystify" balance, and I've found that scheduling my priorities into my calendar on a weekly basis works best for me. Showing up and being available to my kids is a priority as they navigate the teen years so I aim to be home by 3 on workdays. Workouts, time with my team at The Cross, dog walks with friends and spending time with my family are the priority. Wine helps too. ;)
I started a book club a few months ago and we are currently reading Disappearing Earth by Julia Phillips, along with Untamed by Glennon Doyle, which I refer to often.
Too many to choose just one! Here are a few favourites: Have courage, be kind, and do good. Trust the process. Never take no for an answer.
I want to recognize the work that Andrea has done for the community by starting this charity and dedicating so much time and effort to the cause including engaging a talented board and securing support from some of the most influential women and businesses in the city. Thank you Andrea for all you do for single mothers in need, the world is a better place because of your mission.
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© 2025 Cause We Care Foundation | Charitable Registration No. 836700401RR0001